Can I Afford Natural Healthcare?


One question I always get when I mention natural healthcare is:  “Can I afford natural and holistic health care?” Sadly, some people aren’t even asking this question… They just assume that they can’t.

The truth is that these all-natural, preventative health and wellness solutions will usually SAVE you money!

And we’re not even addressing the quality of life questions that necessarily come up in this conversation. Who wouldn’t like to have the energy to enjoy life even more?

Integrated and complementary therapies recognize the inter-connectedness of the elements of life, so that you can stay healthy in the first place. Paying attention to the factors that play a role in our physical health is much more affordable than taking tests designed to determine when you are already in the early stages of serious disease such as diabetes or cancer.

On top of that, natural health techniques help to speed up the body’s ability to recover quickly, without negative side effects, by treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms.

After all, when your emotional health is out-of-balance, it’s a challenge to keep your body healthy. Given the high cost of emergency room visits today, preventive health care is definitely affordable.

Here are the most affordable ways to get started today on your journey to better health:

  1. DRINK more water (and less soda – ween yourself off until you are down to none!). Water is the key ingredient in many health care programs. Staying hydrated has been shown to keep headaches at bay and help with weight loss. For some, drinking filtered alkaline water has even led to surprising results such as reduced allergic reactions.
  2. WALK regularly. Walking is simply the easiest way to begin an exercise program, assuming you are in a safe neighborhood and already own a comfortable pair of shoes. Bonus – it’s free! Once you are in the exercise groove, you can add power to your routine by working with a personal fitness trainer or joining a gym.
  3. EAT healthfully. Each individual body is different so you may have different nutrition concerns than your friends and even family members. What will best support your weight and fitness goals? I drink bone broth to avoid digestive problems and I have lowered my cholesterol by eating more plant based foods (which means I don’t have to buy prescription medications or deal with the dangerous side effects). Get a doctor who will test your blood for nutrient deficiencies so you can find what your body needs. In the long run, it is likely to save you money and give you more energy for doing the activities you love!
  4. SLEEP. A good night’s sleep has been shown to relieve stress and even assist in your efforts to lose weight! While there aren’t many ways to help if you have a newborn at home, for some people, finding a solution to insomnia is as simple as getting a hypnotherapy CD or diffusing some lavender at bedtime.
  5. MEDITATE & RELAX. By learning to meditate, you can reap its many benefits which include relaxation, energy, and perspective on your life. Meditation is being taken seriously by health researchers interested in stress reduction and natural methods to improve overall health. Meditation is used by people interested addressing conditions such as anxiety, pain, depression, emotional problems, insomnia, and stress. Plus once you learn to do it, it is FREE – you can’t get much more money-saving than that!
  6. EXPLORE more. While alternative medicine isn’t mainstream yet, more and more consumers are finding that it is an affordable path to better health. By increasing your awareness, you can easily find an affordable health care solution that works for you, whether it includes recommendations from a naturopath or an herbalist. I know a father who reduces his daughter’s asthma symptoms by having her spend time in a salt therapy room and setting up an oil diffuser in her bedroom at night. There are many people who work with hypnotherapists and energy healers to help them improve the quality of their lives.

When you look at anecdotal data, the benefits of natural healing practices are obvious. Fortunately, the statistical research, from such reputable institutions as Cleveland Clinic and The Mayo Clinic, is starting to back up testimonials of these results.

What will help you? Just as there is no single “cure-all” pill, there are a variety of holistic and natural options for you to consider, from chiropractic manipulation and dietary changes to acupuncture and essential oils, it is time to review and evaluate holistic health solutions more seriously.

There’s no need for the national health care crisis to become a personal one. If it has, it is time to consider holistic and natural options and solutions.

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Hi, I’m Tina, a mom, attorney and business owner, who has long been passionate about healthy eating and natural wellness.


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