Accountability Coaching

End procrastination, build success habits, 
and make faster progress 
on your health goals.

Get step-by-step support with accountability coaching.

Studies routinely demonstrate that accountability enhances people’s results in their health and weight loss endeavors. In fact, it’s often shown to be the linchpin to their success.

An article in the Wall Street Journal describes one study that tracked people’s exercise after they received periodic reminder phone calls. One group received calls from a health educator. A second group received automated calls from a computer, and the control group received no calls at all.


The results were startling. After 12 months, participants who received calls from a health educator were exercising 78% more than at the beginning of the study.


Get exclusive access to coaching from our founder, Tina Falasca.  Work one-on-one with her to improve your diet, find an exercise routine you can stick to, detox your home, and make healthier choices in all areas of your life!

For those interested in our Accountability Coaching Program, please honestly fill out the form below and take the first step toward achieving your goals. All form fields are required.

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