Essential Oils Are SO Expensive!


I hear it time and time again!  People think that essential oils are SO expensive that there is no way they could afford to switch their family over to all-natural products.  However, as the saying goes “you get what you pay for.”  Yes, the products are more expensive than what I can get at the local Walmart.  However, look at the quality, look at the potency, look at the effectiveness!  The oils are so strong the dosage is just 1-3 drops.  With about 300 drops of essential oil per bottle, that’s a lot of doses!  Add to that the peace of mind from knowing that I am giving them pure, natural products, it is more than worth the price.

A friend crunched some numbers to figure out how much more she was spending by using dōTERRA products and found she was actually saving money!

Most American households spend:
$748/yr on traditional cleaning products
$338/yr on OTC medication at the drug store
$1400/yr on facial products (cleansers, moisturizers, anti-aging, acne, etc)
$708/yr PER PERSON on personal care products (toothpaste, deodorant, etc)

Using dōTERRA products instead you’ll spend:
$208/yr on cleaning products
$243/yr on oils that replace your OTC meds
$712/yr on skin and facial care (assuming you use the most expensive skin care line doterra sells every.single.month – mine lasts at least 3 months)
$615/yr per FAMILY on personal care products

Which would your rather use on your family?

But wait, it gets better, because if you buy these products using our totally free Loyalty Rewards Program (I liken them to frequent flier miles), you’ll earn points toward free product every single month!

In your first 12 months you’ll save an additional $363 with the LRP program and every year after that you’ll save an additional $588!!!

 “So now instead of spending $3192 on conventional products, I avoid the hassle of going to the store (and exposing our family to the nasty germs of a drug store!) I spend $150/month on dōTERRA products and save our family over $2000 every.single.year. AND the best part is that I know we are using products that are safe, natural, non-toxic and effective!”

Ready to change your lifestyle and save $$$?


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Hi, I’m Tina, a mom, attorney and business owner, who has long been passionate about healthy eating and natural wellness.


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