Essential Oil Roller Bottle Recipes


Roller bottle recipes are a great way to use your essential oils for natural health & wellness. All you need is your favorite carrier oil, roller bottles and your essential oils. Once you have these ingredients, you can make many kinds of roller bottle recipes for yourself & family.  Using roller bottles for essential oils makes application simple & convenient plus they are refillable! Create DIY Rollerball remedies, natural perfumes, massage oils & custom oil blends.

Roller bottles make using essential oils really simple. Plus your oils will be diluted and ready to use when a specific need arises.  They also make great gifts!

I like these: 6, Cobalt Blue, 10 ml Glass Roll-on Bottles with Stainless Steel Roller Balls – .5 ml Dropper Included

How To Use Essential Oil Roller Bottles:

Using your oil in roller bottles will save you money by making your oils last longer and the dilution does not weaken the essential oils at all, it actually helps to get the oils where you want them.  You will be able to apply them where you need them and then rub them in better.

  1. Add 15-30 drops of essential oil (or oils) to a 10ml Roller Bottle
  2. Fill rest of bottle with carrier oil of choice (one of my favorites is fractionated coconut oil). See below for my favorites.
  3. Add top and shake well to mix, label bottle and you are ready to roll!
  4. Apply to feet, spine, back of neck or to the area of concern.

Here are a few of my favorite blends:

Oh My Pounding Head Roller Blend

– 5 drops of Peppermint
– 5 drops of Frankincense
– 5 drops of Lavender
Add to 5 mL bottle and top off with carrier oil. Apply to temples and back of neck as needed.

Motivation Roller Blend

– 5 drops of Black Pepper
– 5 drops of Lime
– 5 drops of Wild Orange
– 5 drops of Frankincense
Top off a 5 or 10 mL bottle with fractionated coconut oil.

Kid’s Upset Tummy Roller Blend

This is great for kids if you do not want to use peppermint or DigestZen (which also has peppermint).
– 5 drops of Lemon
– 5 drops of Copaiba
Add to 5 mL bottle and top off with carrier oil.

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Hi, I’m Tina, a mom, attorney and business owner, who has long been passionate about healthy eating and natural wellness.



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