10 Easy Life Hacks for a Healthier You


1. Smell the skin of an orange for a natural mood booster.

Studies have shown that orange essential oil has an uplifting, energizing effect when used aromatically.  When peeling an orange, make sure to really smell the peel.  If you don’t have the fresh fruit on hand, buy some bottled oil and dab a drop on each wrist or massage into your temples for the same effect.

2.  Schedule in some time to meditate – even if it’s just 10 minutes.

Taking just a little bit of time to sit, chill, breathe in, and breathe out can make a big difference to the flow of your day. If you’re new to meditation, start with an app like Headspace, which guides you through the process.

3.  Pre-prepare meals and snacks on a Sunday evening.

You’ll save time and energy not having to think about what to eat throughout the week, and it’s an easy way to eat healthily without even trying.  It will prevent those hectic night runs for takeout or calls for pizza delivery!

4. Even if you can’t meal prep all your meals on Sunday, eat at at home more often, and plan your leftovers.

Besides saving yourself from the hidden salt, fat, and sugar in bought meals, you’ll save cash. When you do eat at home, make extra so you don’t have to worry about dinner the next day.  Did you know chili often tastes better the next day?  Make a big batch then eat it for several days or freeze individual portions.

5. Take a big bottle of filtered water with you everywhere you go.

Carrying a water bottle is the best way to ensure hydration throughout the day. Try to avoid plastic by choosing a more durable option such as glass or stainless steel. Add a few drops of grapefruit or lemon essential oil (make sure the oil is labeled safe for ingestion) to add some flavor with no calories.

6.  Make a habit out of drinking herbal teas.

There is an herbal tea for everything. Green tea is a great energy-boosting alternative to coffee, chamomile helps you go to sleep, while fennel and peppermint teas aid digestion.

7.  Get in touch with your appetite by eating “mindfully​.” This means eating your meals without any distractions.  

Put simply, mindful eating means sitting down at a table instead of in front of a screen and chewing your food slowly, rather than scarfing it down. You’re more in touch with how hungry you actually are this way and are less likely to overeat.

8.  Put a tissue with a few drops of lavender oil inside your pillowcase before bed.

This easy, at-home aromatherapy trick will help you sleep deeply and peacefully.

9. If you add a sweetener to your coffee or tea, try using less or cutting it out completely.

This is an easy way to reduce your overall sugar intake.

10.  Always take the stairs.

Climbing the stairs instead of riding the escalator or elevator is one of the most simple yet effective ways to sneak in some physical activity.


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Hi, I’m Tina, a mom, attorney and business owner, who has long been passionate about healthy eating and natural wellness.


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